Last May, late in the night, as I was returning from work east-bound on Highway 401 in Mississauga, a tire from a van hit the driver side of my 53-footer truck; smashing the window and spraying bullets of glass particles into both eyes. When my truck came to a stop, I managed to get out of it, bleeding badly and completely blinded in both eyes.
In total darkness, I moved back and forth across the highway screaming for help. Thank God I was not run over on the busy highway. In a while, a ‘good Samaritan’ pulled up right by me in the middle of the road. Realising my condition, he called the police and ambulance.
I was rushed to the Credit Valley Hospital in Mississauga where I was attended to by four doctors as a matter or urgency. Before the doctors operated on me, they declared that I was completely blinded in both eyes and would never regain my sight. They were only trying to prevent an infection, However, I rejected their prediction retorting in faith: ‘ I believe with God all things are possible and I’ll see.’ In a seven-hour-long surgery, the doctors removed sixteen particles of glass from the left eye and twelve from the right; finding both eyes ripped into two and turned around.
In a trance, after the operation, twelve persons came down along a rope gathering around my head to work on my eyes after which they went back up along the rope. One of the doctors on examining my eyes two days after the operation, confirmed what I saw in the trance as he exclaimed: ‘something on high has come down to touch you.’ He was startled by the miraculous turn-around in my eye condition. There was no infection and also I could sense some light in one eye, even though I still could not see.
I was discharged from the hospital in seven days and was unable to see for about six weeks. Meanwhile, the doctors had communicated to the School of the Blind to take care of me and I received a package from the school to enrol. However, I still trusted God for sight with the prayer support of believers all over.
At long last, the miracle came. One night as I was feeling my way to the washroom, I began to see objects with one eye. Later, six more particles of glass came off from both eyes. Glory to God, now I can see and even read fine print with both eyes without glasses. The doctors now call me AMAZING and I respond AMAZING GRACE. Once I was blind but by the grace of God, now I can see. Glory to God!
The accident and my recovery have changed me in a profound way, bringing to me a deep sense of God’s love and power. Not only that, several other people have been touched by my experience. My junior brother has given his life to Jesus following my miraculous recovery. Also, a sister whose womb was defective and had been declared barren by doctors became pregnant in two weeks on hearing my experience and praying with me on the phone. In deed, we serve a gracious and powerful God.