A Christian who commits sin crosses a spiritual boundary set by God and slips into the territory of sin that is controlled by the devil. Majority of today’s youth seem to be making bad headlines in boundary crossing and enjoying it. Yet crossing the boundary from God’s kingdom of righteousness into Satan’s kingdom of sin is dangerous. You weaken your spiritual armor as well as God’s spiritual gifts given to you for the blessing of His church.
In real life, anyone who encroaches on his neighbor’s piece of land is punished under the laws of the land. In the spiritual realm, crossing into Satan’s boundary brings the offender under Satan’s power. The Bible warns that Satan is like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. Anyone who continues to sin places himself or herself in Satan’s power and under God’s condemnation.
Let us look at the following instances of boundary crossing and their results:
To be proud is to assume false airs of self importance or to challenge recognized authority. Pride leads to disgrace. Lucifer was proud and because of that God hurled him from heaven down to the earth. He eventually lost his enviable position in heaven, a place of everlasting happiness, because he crossed God’s boundary of obedience ( Revelations 12:7-9) into the territory of disobedience.
Eli’s sons crossed the boundary of morality. They slept with the women who came to sacrifice at the altar. They therefore met untimely and tragic deaths (1 Samuel 2:1 – end). Do not flirt with the brothers and sisters in your church. Do not cross the boundary of chastity, else your sins will find you out and bring you disgrace.
Jonadad advised and encouraged his friend and cousin Amnon to commit incest by sleeping with his (Amnon’s) own sister. That was a shameful thing to do ( 2 Samuel 13: 1- end). Be careful of what advise you give your friends. If a piece of advice endangers a friend’s Christian life, or draws him or her out of God’s grace, your so-called advice has crossed the boundary and you must be ready to answer for it.
Ham saw his father Noah’s nakedness and should have done something about it immediately. But he did not. Noah was displeased and rained curses on him (Genesis 9:18-end). Are you beginning to express interest in pornographic pictures? Then your eyes are beginning to cross the boundary. This will not help your growth into spiritual maturity in Christ. Read the Bible and other Christian literature to grow in grace.
Culled from Pentecost Fire, Issue 122