The road to maturity is filled with potholes and detours. Oftentimes, we hit what initially seems like a barrier. We find ourselves on the wrong road and are not sure how we got there. However, what initially seems to be a setback may just be the opposite. What feels like a failure can, in the skilled hands of God, become a part of His provision for our growth. Anything that is painful or makes us fell unworthy – mistakes, anger, abuse at the ands of others- can either cause us to fail or prepare us for life challenges.
In Hebrews 11, the Hall of Faith, you will find great people like Noah, Abraham, and Moses who overcame their problems and became winners. Before we can succeed, there are several things we must understand.
Challenges are inevitable
Challenges are inevitable in life no matter how old, smart or spiritual we are. Look at Apostle Paul. He was a giant of the faith, yet he struggled with the flesh ( Romans 7:15-10). As long as we have life and breathe, we will struggle with the consequences of our sinful humanity. The question is, will we go through life making the same mistakes over and over? Or will we stop, look, listen and learn?
You see, a setback really is not that strange. Even the best of people fail at times. Letting God teach us to learn even from our failures is what is special and mature. When mistakes or setbacks do occur, we need to see them in the light of the opportunities they provide us for growth.
Seeing things through God’s eyes.
In the darkness of defeat it is easier to stumble than to focus. We tend to dwell on what we cannot do instead of what God can do through us. When we are in distress, Satan tries to divert our attention from the rivers of living water which are always available to dried up streams. All the same, God can turn our weaknesses and failures into strengths and successes as we see and walk in His light.
The Need to Change
When things are going on well with us, we like to stay put. That is okay, at least for a while. However, when we get too comfortable we get into a rut and run into problems. The greatest mistake we can ever make is to be afraid to make a mistake. We can gain insight to get ourselves back on track from anything that went wrong. Even when we falter we can re-examine ourselves and change for the better.
Problems can leave many different scars – hurt feelings, wasted potential, broken marriages, shattered ministries – but they can also be used by God to sharpen the mind, deepen the Spirit, and strengthen the soul. People who have learned to view problems through God’s eyes emerge with a softer, stronger character and a fresh awareness of God’s grace.