I was born into a Hindu family and married to a Hindu in Guyana, where I lived until I came to Canada in 2001. I became a Christian in 1999 following a miraculous healing the Lord worked in my life that year.For a whole year, I suffered a terrible skin disease and looked awkward. I was painfully sore on the feet, hands and face and could not walk. My skin peeled off and was bleeding and running water all over. I felt ashamed of myself and stayed away from people. I was admitted to a skin clinic for six months but was not healed. Several tests were run on me which showed no defects in my blood or body systems.
God’s healing touch came through a Christian family-friend who invited me to his house; praying with me on Psalms 23 and anointing me with olive oil. All week, I visited her for prayer and my skin began to heal. In a matter of days, I was completely healed. I then gave my life to the Lord Jesus in a Pentecostal church, seeing what the Lord had done for me and realizing that the Hindu religion could not help me. The goodness of God is very real to me and I know very well that he will deliver me from all trouble.
By Ursula Persaud, North York