Are you looking around for help in this world of lack, loneliness, pain and evil? Not everybody is prepared to help. Neither is everybody able to help all the way. But there is a man from Galilee who is both able and willing to help all the time and all the way. He is Christ Jesus, the Savior of the world. There can be no good helper like Him – so kind and dependable yet so unexacting.
Jesus himself said in Matthew 20:28: … the Son of man came not to be ministered unto but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.”
Receive Jesus as Lord and Savior and you will have life and have it more abundantly. Jesus came down from heaven to lay down his life for you so you can be freed from sin, death and reproach. He came to pull you from darkness into light so you will not stumble.
Indeed, he came to heal them that are bruised; to comfort the downhearted; to set captives free and to give hope to the hopeless. He will lead you into all truth and help you to live a life of purpose, victory and purity in God. Come to Jesus and you will find him a willing, able and faithful helper.

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